Seminole Electric Cooperative Announces Ribbon-Cutting Event for 2.2-Megawatt Solar Facility

Tampa, FL—At 11 a.m. (EST) on December 7, 2016, Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Seminole”) will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Hardee County, Florida to commemorate the unveiling of its first Cooperative Solar facility.

This ribbon-cutting event will be held adjacent to the 2.2-megawatt facility, comprised of more than 8,000 panels, on the grounds of Seminole’s combined cycle natural gas-fired Midulla Generating Station. Although Seminole maintains a robust set of renewable sources of energy in its fuel mix, this facility will be the first large-scale solar project Seminole has brought online and into its portfolio to operate.

Approximately 200 people, including local and state dignitaries, members of Seminole’s board and associated distribution cooperatives, and Seminole employees are expected to attend this event.

Members of the media are cordially invited to attend this very special event in the history of Seminole and its nine member cooperatives. In order to ensure that we are able to accommodate all media outlets that will attend, please contact Steven Rybicki ( by December 2, 2016 to indicate your outlet’s interest and give an estimate of how many people from the outlet will attend.


Based in Tampa, Florida, Seminole is one of the largest generation and transmission cooperatives in the country. Its mission is to provide reliable, competitively priced, wholesale electric power to its nine not-for-profit, consumer-owned distribution electric cooperatives. Seminole and its Members collectively serve 1.6 million individuals and businesses in 42 Florida counties.

Seminole Electric is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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