Seminole’s primary resources include the Seminole Generating Station (SGS), the Seminole Combined Cycle
Facility (SCCF), the Richard J. Midulla Generating Station (MGS), and Seminole’s “Cooperative Solar” facility.
Seminole Generating Station
The Seminole Generating Station (SGS) consists of one 736-megawatt coal-fired generating unit and is located on 2,000 acres in Putnam County, just north of Palatka and about 60 miles south of Jacksonville. To supply the coal needed to operate SGS, coal is delivered daily from mines in West Kentucky and Illinois, traveling more than 800 miles on unit trains via CSX Transportation, Inc. Seminole has more than $530 million invested in environmental control technology at SGS.
Seminole Combined Cycle Facility
The Seminole Combined Cycle Facility (SCCF) is located in Putnam County, adjacent to SGS. SCCF is a state-of-the-art natural gas fired generating facility with a rating capability of more than 1,100 megawatts.
Midulla Generating Station
The Midulla Generating Station (MGS), located on the Hardee/Polk County line, is a 560-megawatt facility that uses natural gas as its primary fuel. The combined-cycle facility consists of two natural gas-fired combustion turbines, two heat recovery steam generators, and one steam turbine. Fuel is burned in the combustion turbines to produce electricity. Hot exhaust gases from the combustion turbines are captured and routed through the two heat recovery steam generators. These generators create steam, spinning the steam turbine to produce additional electricity. Finally, the steam is discharged into a condenser, which returns the steam to purified water for reuse.
In December 2006, Seminole added an additional 310 megawatts of peaking capacity at MGS through five aeroderivative combustion turbine units. These peaking units can be operational in as few as eight minutes to meet state operating reserve requirements.
Seminole’s Cooperative Solar
Cooperative Solar is a 2.2-megawatt solar facility located in Hardee County, Florida adjacent to Seminole’s Midulla Generating Station.
Seminole Contracted Solar
In 2024, four solar sites came online and reached commercial operation. These sites are under power purchase agreements (PPAs) that are now a part of Seminole’s generation portfolio. These sites contribute about 298 megawatts (MWs) of solar capacity collectively. The sites are distributed across Member service territory and are referred to as: Columbia County Solar, Gadsden County Solar, Gilchrist County, and Tupelo Solar in Putnam County.
Other Resources
Seminole works to maintain a balanced and diversified generation portfolio that includes owned generation, as well as capacity and energy provided through purchased power agreements with other utilities, independent power producers, and government entities (eg. municipals and counties).
Seminole also receives power from renewable energy facilities, including waste-to-energy, landfill gas-to-energy, and a biomass facility. The diversity in Seminole’s generation mix reduces exposure to changing market conditions, helping keep rates competitive.