Seminole prepares for Hurricane Dorian
Tampa, Florida – Seminole and its Member distribution cooperatives stand ready to ride out Hurricane Dorian and to restore power to affected areas as quickly and safely as possible.
Seminole follows a robust hurricane preparedness plan when any storm approaches its service territory, including the preparation of all affected facilities to endure hurricane-force winds.
The exact path, strength, and timing of Dorian’s impact on Florida’s east coast remains uncertain, with the current expected landfall on Monday evening. Seminole is working closely with the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association (FECA), our Members, and local authorities to prepare for the storm and to coordinate any restoration efforts.
Seminole will continue to monitor Dorian closely and encourages all Floridians to review their storm plan and supplies.
Based in Tampa, Florida, Seminole is one of the largest generation and transmission cooperatives in the country. Its purpose is to provide essential wholesale services to its Members through a balanced, diversified portfolio of safe, affordable, and reliable energy resources. Seminole and its Members collectively serve 1.7 million individuals and businesses in 42 Florida counties.
Seminole Electric is an equal opportunity provider and employer.